We Want you to be Inspired!

Inspiration Church | 1218 Prairie Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 | (719) 960-7303
Service TimesContact Us

Inspiration Church

A multi-generational community united in Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit to invest what we have received from God into our community and world.

Inspired Kids

Giving kids the opportunity to learn who Jesus is by connecting them with Him through the Bible and experience. Looking more like Jesus over time the more they are connected with Him.

Messengers Youth

Discipling youth to equip them to answer the call of a personal relationship with Christ, be a messenger of the Gospel, and to reach their community for Christ.


Prayer is our opportunity to connect with God in a personal way. To praise Him, to be filled with His Holy Spirit, to pray for others, and to pray for our community.


To proclaim the gospel and demonstrate Jesus’ love starting in our own community, and then throughout the world. 

Service Times

Sunday Service is at 10am with Kids Church and nursery
Youth Group meets Sundays at 6pm
Intercessory Prayer meets Tuesdays at 10am
Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30pm

"Do not pray the things out of your life that Jesus is using for your benefit. Instead pray that God will use it for His glory."

– Pastor Scott James

Our Beliefs and Values

We believe Jesus Christ should be the center of every part of our lives. He freely came to earth to die for the sins of each and every one of us. In Him we celebrate new life, have reason to worship, and a responsibility to share the good news with others. Through His Holy Spirit, Jesus inspires each of us to live for Him. No matter how old or young we are, we can all be inspired to live for Christ. As believers, we are all part of the same family as we journey together.

In Christ

The Bible tells us that our identity in Christ is part of accepting His gift of eternal life through faith. Once we have accepted the gift, we live in Christ as a new creation.


To be inspired by God is to receive His breath, His Holy Spirit, His wisdom and understanding. We receive from God the very things we need to live a Godly life each day.


What God has given us, we want to give to others. We want to invest in our families, work places, neighborhoods and community.